luni, 26 decembrie 2011

Never lose yourself!

Are you a big coward?Are you afraid of the future?Sad past and and a blurry present?And you feel like time is passing by just like a raindrop?then start drinkin':))))))))))
Joking:D just do a balance between good and bad in your life and start making a choice!Do a choice!But never lose yourself!don't lose your rules of life!YOU KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU!

vineri, 7 octombrie 2011


Do you really are the one who you are in this moment?Or you just live someone else's life?Why don't you trust your heart and instincts? R.I.P.Steve Jobs..GREAT MAN!

miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011

What is happiness?

Can anybody in the hole world say that he is the happiest human alive?He can say that for a short time,but can anybody say that he was happy for an entire life?Well happiness is something you feel deep in your heart, it's that feeling of personal fulfillment, emotional stability, full understanding by the life partner, happiness is the power to smile every day!to feel love!to love with all your heart!Work with love, eat with love, live a life full of love and understanding..and then you will begin to fell a nice taste of happiness!

marți, 27 septembrie 2011

Time travellers

You know that since the beginning of human conscience we all hoped for a way to go back in the past,to try and live our lives in other ways so the future could be the best possibly,ideal one for each of us.Everybody wants to feel more and more emotions,good feelings/bad feelings , so obviously they could compare the "past" with the actual "present". So what all this searching, mind blowing to find these ways, will lead to after all? Can really the human being handle this time travelling?Can we really manage to stop our born instincts of power?I don't think so.
Time travelling is possible..the answer is in our bodies,in the air,in the sun.In a few years we will send information in the past,after another years we can teleport a basketball and so on.. 

luni, 26 septembrie 2011


Have you ever done something and had a regret after?or something you didn't do?so how can you have no regrets?can we make every single decision the best/right one?impossible..or just go with it and think it's destiny..a very common way to resign yourself and have a very peaceful death..
So you meet a guy,ordinary guy, and he says to you A LOTS of surreal,ideal and movie like quotes,life lessons and a chance to prove yourself the best and prove that you worth a lot more..what do YOU do?It's a 2 way road-leave your life before or live your life before!
Back to regrets...everybody has them!No regrets= no humanity!

miercuri, 14 septembrie 2011

What is life?

Do you believe that life it's just practically everything that we live day by day?So let's look in both sides:yes and no.
So if the answer is "yes" then why shouldn't we just live it with all the heart!just go along and make all the stupid,naughty,clumsy acts every day?Let me tell you why...because we have to make changing ones..and we have from the start A fifty fifty chance to do it right..but right and wrong are 2 very sensible points of view.Wrong for me can be right for you and backwards...

Seize the day!

Seize the day motherfuckers!do everything like it would be your last day on earth!no regrets,no hardfeelings!enjoy your youth cause memories will keep you young wonderfullllll!

duminică, 11 septembrie 2011

Days and days

Have you ever had good days and bad days?How about a good hour and 3 bad after,or 4 hours one week bad after?Good luck is always followed by bad luck and messy situations.So why we just not live our good luck "hour" like we should?